16 and 17 February | National Library of Portugal

The intersections between education, heritage and printed culture and their implications for historiography are the central theme of this meeting, which will bring together educators, researchers, research centres and cultural organisations from Portugal, Brazil and Cape Verde on 16 and 17 February at the National Library of Portugal.

The 1st International Colloquium on Historiographical Places and Practices: Education, Heritage and Printed Culture, co-organised by CEIS20, aims to deepen reflections and systematise contemporary problems and debates related to the teaching of history, the material construction of knowledge in Portuguese and its prohibitions, the uses of the colonial past and the possible ways of producing and circulating school and teaching materials, based on the dialogue between related temporalities and geographies. The opening lecture, entitled Memória e Mentira (Memory and Lies), will be given by historian Fernando Catroga (University of Coimbra).

The programme is divided into two parts. On the first day (16 February), the authors will be invited to discuss the issues raised in the panels: “How to teach the anti-colonial past?”; “The circulation of printed culture: what surprises us about experiences on the margins of discourses and syntheses?”; “Uses of the colonial past: how do commemorations rewrite history?”. Commentators and the audience are invited to propose new problems and to contribute to the reflections presented. The results of these working groups will be published in a book, in accordance with the proposal for the elaboration and public dissemination of knowledge.

The 17th of February will see the launch of the International Network on the History of Pedagogy, Cultural Heritage and Teaching Materials in Portuguese, open to educators, researchers, cultural mediators and students interested in contributing to the most diverse spaces of culture and teaching around the proposed themes, which are constantly evolving. In line with the network’s objectives, the lecture A Representação da Europa nos ensinos Básico e Secundário cabo-verdianos (The Representation of Europe in Cape Verde Basic and Secondary Education) will be given by historian Osvaldino Monteiro (University of Cape Verde).

In the afternoon, textbooks will be the focus of the round table “School History in Dialogue: Portugal – Cape Verde and Brazil”. The colloquium will end with a lecture and debate on Raça e racismo ‘na mais antiga nação da Europa’: Itinerários para o Estudo da História Pública e Escolar (Race and racism in the oldest nation in Europe’: Avenues for the Study of Public and School History), given by sociologist Marta Araújo (University of Coimbra).

You can register to attend online or in-person.

Admission is free, subject to prior registration by filling in the form.

Further questions can be sent by e-mail to hppcmdlp@gmail.com.

See the full programme here.

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
