


Title Euménides
Original title Eumenides
Author(s) Ésquilo
Ancient author(s) Aeschylus
First performance RTP2 (10/12/1992)
Genres TV Movie
Type Classical performance
Production Peter Hall
Direction Peter Hall
Translation Tony Harrison
Actors Alfred Lynch (Egisto, Coro)
Barrie Rutter (Mensageiro, Coro)
Colin Haigh (Anti-Coro)
David Bamber (Coro)
David Roper (Guarda, Coro)
Glenn Williams (Anti-Coro)
Graham Pountney (Anti-Coro)
Greg Hicks (Orestes, Coro)
James Carter (Agamémnon, Coro)
James Hayes (Ama, Coro)
John Gill (Anti-Coro)
John Normington (Cassandra, Coro)
Kenny lreland (Apolo, Coro)
Leslie Southwick (Anti-Coro)
Mark Bond (Anti-Coro)
Martin Garfield (Anti-Coro)
Michael Thomas (Atena, Coro)
Nigel Bellairs (Anti-Coro)
Norman Rutherford (Anti-Coro)
Peter Dawson (Coro)
Peter Gerald (Anti-Coro)
Peter Hale (Anti-Coro)
Philip Donaghy (Clitemnestra, Coro)
Robert Howard (Anti-Coro)
Robert Ralph (Anti-Coro)
Rofer Gartland (Electra, Coro)
Sean Baker (Sacerdotisa, Coro)
Timothy Davies (Pílades, Coro)
Tony Robinson (Servo, Coro)
Scenography Jenny West, Sue Jenkinson, Jocelyn Herbert
Costumes Jenny West
Sue Jenkinson
Jocelyn Herbert
Music Harrison Birtwistle
Malcolm Bennett (Direcção Musical/Musical Direction)
Bibliography M. Várzeas, in M. de Fátima Sousa e Silva (coord.), Representações de teatro clássico no Portugal contemporâneo, II, Colibri, Lisboa-Coimbra 2001, p. 24
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