/ Research / Secondary projects / Rewriting the Myth

Thespis Database

The database ‘Thespis – CECH’ falls into the CECH Secondary projects ‘Reescrita do mito’ and 'Classics & Open Science'. The database aims at providing information about the performances of Greek and Latin theatre produced and staged within the Portuguese contemporary theatre in an online and easy-consult format (following the experience of other similar platforms, namely the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama of Oxford and the LaboratorioDionysos’ - Archivio digitale del teatro antico of Trento). The core of the ‘Thespis – CECH’ digital archive consists in the data already collected and published in the three books Representações de Teatro Clássico no Portugal Contemporâneo (Lisboa and Coimbra 1998, 2001; Coimbra 2004), but it is currently being updated with the performances staged between 2004-2021. Each data sheet will provide a description about the considered productions, along with a bibliography, links to external sources (official webpages and other online resources), a photo and video gallery. The targeted audience refers not only to scholars and researchers of Classical and Theatre Studies; the database can be also consulted by students, teachers, and practitioners.