/ Research / General Project / Thíasos Cultural Association / Productions

The two faces of Hecuba

Debut: 8 May, 2018

The two faces of Hecuba, adapted from Euripides

Staging: Cátia Alves Coelho and Lara Paz

Translation: Maria do Céu Fialho and José Luís Coelho


Hecuba- from queen to slave, from woman to widow, mother of fifty children that she saw fall, one by one, together with her city. Faced with the death of his daughter Polyxena, freely given to sacrifice, she suffers, preserving with dignity the wreckage of her soul. But the shocking sight of the corpse of his son Polidoro, killed by a former guest and left to the sea, unleashes in Hecuba an immense thirst for revenge. The tragedy of Hecuba, former queen of Troy, is above all a story about the woes of war and about what transforms human beings from civilized to animal.