/ Research / General Project / Thíasos Cultural Association / Productions


Debut: 02 May, 2018

Medea by Eurípides

Dramaturgy, staging and scenography: Claudio Castro Filho

Translation: Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira

Adaptation: Claudio Castro Filho


In its 2018 production, Thíasos brings to the stage a play closely linked to the history of Coimbra’s university theatre: Euripides’s Medea, in the rigorous translation of Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira, done in the 1950s for the Theatre of the Students of the University of Coimbra. This time, to the various archaeological layers that make up the labyrinthine myth of the Princess of Colchis, the group considers Peter Brook’s saying in his famous treaty The empty space: even when what is being staged is a classic, it should be recovered in words the pleasure of saying them as though for the first time. Thíasos’ “Medea” then takes place in the 5th century BC, but also in 21st century Europe, the centre of new meanings of human tragedy, specifically, of female tragedy. At the end of the day, this is an all-time Medea who belongs nowhere, this being the circumstance of the refugee and a condition of exile.

Production credits

Cast: Anna Ibraeva, Catarina Martins, Cátia Alves Coelho, Daniela Pereira, Diane de Paiva, Claudio Castro Filho e Renan Marques Liparotti

Wardrobe: Associação Cultural Thíasos

Lights: Theo Fellows

Sound: Thiago Rocha

Makeup: Cátia Alves Coelho

Graphic image: Carlos Jesus

Approximate duration of the play: 60 min.