/ Research / General Project / Thíasos Cultural Association / Productions


Debut: 2 May, 2011

Hemlock – collaboration with "A Origem da Comédia"

Staging and production: João Diogo Loureiro & Miguel Monteiro


Some of the most dramatic and emblematic moments of the life of the Greek philosopher Socrates are recovered in Hemlock, according to representations of him in Plato’s plays. The paths of love and philosophy, virtue and death are pursued in pictures of passion and tragicomedy that lead to the confrontation of a man’s justice with power.

Production credits

Stage manager: Carlos de Jesus

Wardrobe: Beatriz Silva

Design: Maria Miguel Rosmaninho (behance.net/emerosmaninho)

Original music: Laonikos Psimikakis (laonikos.com)

Lights: Chayanna Ferreira

Sound: Ana Seiça Carvalho

Backstage: Elisabete Cação

Video: Rodolfo Lopes

Cast: João Diogo Loureiro, Margarida Cardoso, Marta Bizarro, Miguel Monteiro, Ricardo Acácio, Sophia Carvalho

With support of: APEC, CECH, CUMN, IEC, FLUC, TEUC


919046253 | 913002600

email: origemdacomedia@gmail.com

website: origemdacomedia.blogspot.com | ensaiosobreacicuta.blogspot.com/