/ Research / General Project / Thíasos Cultural Association / Productions


Debut: 26 April, 2007

Agamemnon by Aeschylus

Staging: Lia Nunes

Translation: Manuel Oliveira Pulquério


The play Agamemnon was first presented in Athens in the year of 458 BC. It was written by Aeschylus (525 BC – 456 BC) and is part of a trilogy entitled The Oresteia, the only complete trilogy that has come to this day, composed of three tragedies: Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers and Eumenides. The trilogy is inspired by the stories of the return of the heroes who fought against the city of Troy. At the beginning of the war, Agamemnon had to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia to Artemis, so that the Greek armies lead by him could reach Troy. In reality, Iphigenia did not die during the sacrifice, for she was spared by the goddess who turned her into a priestess of the city of Tauris. Believing that her daughter had been killed, Clytemnestra swore revenge. She became the mistress of Aegisthus, Thyestes’s son, and began to conspire against her husband during his long absence. Agamemnon returns victorious after 10 years of war in Troy, but is immediately murdered by Clytemnestra and Aegisthus, as was Cassandra, the Trojan princess, who he had taken as a slave.

Production credits

Sound: Tiago Cabral

Lights: Carlos Santos e Vitor Teixeira

Choreography: Andreia Paixão

Wardrobe: Maria João, Inês Santos


Delfim Leão (Agamemnon)

Sónia Simões, Ângela Leão (Clytemnestra)

Patrícia Ligeiro (Cassandra)

Nelson Ferreira (Aegisthus)

Mário Pais, Ândrea Seiça (Watchman)

Carlos Jesus (Corypheus)


Artur Magalhães

Ândrea Seiça

Luís Albuquerque

Joana Militão

Linda Miriam

Ana Fonseca

Susana Bastos