New Member - Postdoctoral Researcher

Sara Troiani [Beginning: march 22, 2021]

25 march, 2021≈ 3 min read

Sara Troiani obtained a PhD in Forms of Texts (Greek and Latin curriculum) at the University of Trento. Her dissertation, supervised by Prof. Giorgio Ieranò, investigates the translations and performances of ancient Greek drama by the Italian scholar Ettore Romagnoli (early 20th Century). Her interests of research also relate to ancient Greek music, New Dithyramb and reception of ancient drama from antiquity to the contemporary age.

During her academic career she has been project coordinator of Laboratorio Dionysos – Archivio digitale del teatro antico (Trento) and academic visitor at the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (Oxford). In partnership with Laboratorio Dionysos, APGRD and University of Groningen, she has taken part as convener to the joint Symposia on the Reception of Classics in Fascist Italy (2019, 2021).

She is currently post-doctoral researcher at the Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos (University of Coimbra), working on the CECH Secondary Project Rewriting Myth. Her main research projects will focus on a new digital archive of the modern plays of ancient dramas in Portugal and on the re-writings and performances of Greek myths during the Italian Fascism.

In 2016 she also gained a MA in Performing Arts Management at the Accademia Teatro Alla Scala and was intern at Piccolo Teatro di Milano. Thanks to this experience she had worked for many years as assistant director and production manager for Italian theatres and ensembles. She also directed two plays based on ancient Greek dramas: The Persians from Aeschylus (2015) and Ajax by Yiannis Ritsos (2018).

Among her publications:

S. Troiani (2018), “Osservazioni sulla detorsio in comicum nel Ciclope di Filosseno: fra tradizione omerica, critica metamusicale e satira politica”, Lexis 36, pp. 135-158;

S. Troiani (2020), “La poesia come ‘dono della musica’: interrelazioni tra musica greca, traduzione e rappresentazione del dramma antico in Ettore Romagnoli”, in A. Albanese – M. Arpaia (edd.), Linguaggi, esperienze e tracce sonore sulla scena. Atti della Graduate Conference, L’Aquila 15-16 novembre 2018, Ravenna;

S. Troiani (2020), “Ettore Romagnoli e il teatro universitario: i primi sviluppi di una nuova ideologia drammatica tra ellenismo ‘artistico’ e stimoli internazionali”, DeM 11, pp. 229-257.