New Member - PhD researcher - Starting Grant

Nelson H.S. Ferreira [Beginning: march 1, 2021]

25 march, 2021≈ 3 min read

Nelson H.S. Ferreira has been studying and publishing within the scope of Mesopotamian and Mediterranean regions’ popular culture, literatures, social history and ancient thought. Recently his research has been dedicated to the anthropological impact of the economic dependence of agricultural production in Sumerian and Roman cultures, to the history of medicine, to Knowledge management and transfer. He has a PhD in ‘Classical Studies’ (University of Coimbra) and in ‘Linguistic, literary and Cultural studies’ (University of Barcelona), obtained after the research project “Sumerian agricultural economy / Roman agricultural economy: The theme conceptualization and its transversality as original topos in complex societies”, supervised by Prof. Francisco Oliveira and Prof. Adelina Millet and Financed by FCT. He was assistant Professor at European College Business School of Barcelona and Collaborator Professor at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Currently he is researcher at the Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos (University of Coimbra), working with the project "DIAITA Heritage: Food, Environment and Well-being".

Among his most relevant publications are:

Ferreira, N. H. S. (2020), Galeno. Sobre as faculdades dos alimentos. Livro I (As sementes e os grãos). Coimbra: Classica Digitalia/IUC;

Ferreira, N. H. S. (2020), “Metaphor for the construction of spontaneous meaning: Examples gatherer from the rural landscape in Sumerian literature” in M. Pallavidini & L. Portuese (Eds.), Researching metaphor in the ancient Near East. Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp. 167-186;

Ferreira, N. H. S. (2020). “Images of Inana and Dumuzi: The Language of Prosperity of the ‘Silent Peopleʼ”, in Dealing with antiquity: Past, present & future: RAI Marburg. Munster, UgaritVerlag, pp. 399-314.

Ferreira, N. H. S. (2013), Aesopica – a fábula esópica e a tradição fabular grega. Coimbra: Classica Digitalia/IUC.