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António Rebelo

António Manuel Ribeiro Rebelo

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra since 1988 and researcher at the Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies of the University of Coimbra.

Director of the Language Centre of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities; member of the Faculty’s Assembly and of the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures’ Scientific Committee, among other academic functions. At the University of Coimbra, he held various positions at the Institute for Classical Studies and at the Faculty's Pedagogical and Scientific Committees. He was also Vice-Director and Director of the Faculty.

Coordinator (with Margarida Miranda) of the inter-university project to edit and translate the “Curso Aristotélico Jesuíta Conimbricense”. Main Director (with José Luís Brandão and Margarida Miranda) of the Classica Digitalia “Greek and Latin Authors” series published by the Coimbra University Press.

Research focused on classical literature, Latin Christian authors, medieval Latin philology (with the supervision of master’s and doctoral theses in this area), Christian and medieval studies, religious studies, Renaissance Latin, Portuguese literature, ecdotics and didactics of classical languages. Within these areas, he has published dozens of titles, including monographies, scientific papers, contributions, and scientific translations. Participation in several scientific projects and coordination some of them. Member of several academic and scientific academies.

Selected publications

Rebelo, A., Miranda, M. (Coords.) (2020). O Mundo Clássico e a universalidade dos seus valores: Homenagem a Nair de Nazaré Castro Soares. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2020.

Rebelo, A., Urbano, C. M. (Coords.) (2020). Isabel, Rainha e Santa: Pervivência de um culto centenário. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2020.

Rebelo, A. (2020), "A língua que os portugueses falavam e escreviam". In C. Fiolhais, J. E. Franco, J. P. Paiva, & B. V. e Sousa (Dirs.). História Global de Portugal (pp. 225-230). Círculo de Leitores.

Rebelo, A. (Rev. dos textos latinos) (2019). Chancelaria de D. Dinis: livro II (Rosa Marreiros, transcr.). Palimage/Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura.

Rebelo, A. (2019). "O Trautado da vida e feitos do muito virtuoso senhor infante D. Fernando, de Fr. João Álvares". In J. E. Franco, & C. Fiolhais (Dirs.). Obras Pioneiras da Cultura Portuguesa: Volume 3 (pp. 31-57, 497-576). Círculo de Leitores.

Rebelo, A. (Dir.) (2019). Obras Pioneiras da Cultura Portuguesa: Volume 3: Primeiros Livros de Edificação Moral e Primeira Crónica Biográfica (J. E. Franco, & C. Fiolhais, Dirs.). Círculo de Leitores.

Rebelo, A.; Coelho, M. H. da C. (2016). D. Pedro e D. Inês: Diálogos entre o Amor e a Morte: "Sermão nas Exéquias de D. Inês de Castro" de D. João de Cardaillac. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.

Rebelo, A. (2015). "A Cidade e o Campo: Cristianização de uma antinomia clássica". Humanitas, 67, 93-108.