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Fábio Faversani

Fábio Faversani

Full Professor of Ancient History at the Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil.

Bachelor’s degree in History (1988), master’s (1995) and PhD (2001) in Economic History, from the University of São Paulo, and Post-doctorate from the universities of Oxford (2003 and 2012/2013) and St. Andrews (2018/2019). Research internships at the Institute of Classical Studies Library, School of Advanced Studies, University of London, at the Bibliothèque Gernet-Glotz, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, and at the Bereichsbibliothek Altertumswissenschaften, Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg.

Coordinator of the Laboratory of Studies on the Roman Empire, LEIR-UFOP, in collaboration with Fábio Joly and Alexandre Agnolon, and vice-director of the LEIR-National. Researcher at the Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies (CECH) of the University of Coimbra, associate member of the Laboratory of Ancient History (LHIA) of the UFRJ, and researcher at G.LEIR-UNESP/France.

Research, teaching, and publishing activities focused mainly on the History of Ancient Rome.

Tem desenvolvido a sua investigação, ensino e publicações principalmente na área de História da Roma Antiga.

General secretary (2000/2001) and president (2014/2015) of the Brazilian Society of Classical Studies (SBEC). One of the founders of the GT National Association of History (GTHA-ANPUH) (1999) and one of its national coordinators (2007/2009). Part of the commission created by ANPUH-Brazil to seek from the National Congress the approval of the regulation of the profession of Historian (2020) and currently works in the committee charged by ANPUH-Brazil to monitor the implementation of this law with the Federal Government. Also within the scope of ANPUH-Brazil, he is part of the group responsible for curating the social networks of the entity. Pro-Rector of Extension (2005/2008) and Pro-Rector of Research and Graduate Studies (2015/2017) of the UFOP.

Supervisor of 3 doctoral theses, 1 master’s dissertation and 1 post-doctorate in Ancient History. Under his supervision, 9 master’s dissertations and 3 doctoral theses were already defended.

Intervention in Line 2 (Ideas, Languages and Historiography) of the Post-Graduate program in History of the UFOP. Experienced in the field of History, focusing on ancient history, ancient Rome, Seneca, Tacitus, Petronius, corruption, Roman Republic, and Roman Principate.

Selected publications

Joly, F. D.; Faversani, F. “Os Júlio-Cláudios”. In: Brandão, José Luís (coord.); Oliveira, Francisco de (coord.). (org.). História de Roma Antiga: Volume II: Império Romano do Ocidente e Romanidade Hispânica. 1ed. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2020, p. 79-95.

Faversani, F. "Tirano, louco e incendiário". História da Historiografia, v. 13, p. 375-395, 2020.

Faversani, F. “A corrupção dos antigos e a nossa: apontamentos para o estudo da corrupção romana”. Phoînix, v. 25, p. 83-95, 2019.

Faversani, F. “Social Boundaries and Social-Political Categories In Early Imperial Roman History”. Romanitas - Revista de Estudos Grecolatinos, v. 1, p. 154-167, 2018.

Faversani, F.; Joly, F. D. “Da liga latina ao saque de Roma”. In: José Luís Brandão; Francisco de Oliveira. (org.). História de Roma Antiga: Das Origens à Morte de César. 1ed. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2015, v. 1, p. 103-125.

Joly, F. D.; Faversani, F. As formas do império romano. 1. Ed. Ouro Preto: Editora UFOP, 2014. 107p.

Faversani, F. “Entre a república e o império: apontamentos sobre a amplitude desta fronteira”. Mare Nostrum. Estudos sobre o mediterrâneo antigo, v. 4, p. 100-111, 2013.

Faversani, F. “Escrita da história e as histórias dos antigos”. In: Cerqueira, Fábio; Gonçalves, Ana Teresa; Medeiros, Edalaura; Brandão, José Luís. (org.). Saberes e poderes no mundo antigo. 1ed. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2013, v. 1, p. 19-34.

Faversani, F. Estado e sociedade no alto império romano: um estudo das obras de Sêneca. 1. Ed. Ouro Preto: Editora UFOP / PPGHIS, 2012. 173p.

Faversani, F. A pobreza no Satyricon, de Petronio. Ouro Preto: EDUFOP, 1998. V. 1.

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