/ Education / Lifelong learning programmes / Património Alimentar & Desenvolvimento do Território

Portuguese Food Heritage: Production, Innovation and Consumption

Classes: 07.11.2022 - 10.12.2022

Scientific Domain: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing

Professor responsible

Ondina Afonso • MC SONAE

Other Professors

Carmo Martins • Secretária-Geral, Centro Operativo e Tecnológico Hortofrutícola Nacional

Rui Sousa • Coordenador do Pólo de Alcobaça do Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, Estação Nacional de Fruticultura Vieira Natividade

Type of teaching: b-learning

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Objectives of the curricular unit and skills to be developed by the student

Identify the commodities, products, processes of Portuguese, specially those from Alcobaça region.

Locate the agri-food products and respective production areas, in Portugal, and understand the evolution of the production, its importance regarding their historical, social, economic and cultural context.

Recognize the importance of the relationship between tradition and innovation and the impact on Portuguese Food Heritage.

Understand, the agri-food consumption and its evolution, consumers’ profile and how they’ve been evolving.

Practical skills:

Understand, throughout cases-studies, the importance of agri-food products and respective regional impact regarding social, economic and cultural context.


  1. Portuguese Food Heritage: Concept and Reality
  2. The agri-food production in Portugal
  3. Tradition and Innovation
  4. The consumption of agri-food products in Portugal: past, present and future
  5. Cases-studies
  6. Field visits

Teaching methodologies and evaluation


Theoretical-practical method

Expositive sessions, followed by questioning and dialogue with students

Asset to the practical experience of trainees in the field

Integration of the student’s experiences contributions in the theoretical contents and subsequent reformulation.

Synthesis framework and information sharing

Exemplification using written and imagetic documents.

Viewing of performative videos related to festivities

Study Tour - observation and contact with heritage places and events relevant to food culture.


Mini-tests 30%

Study visit report 30%

Project to apply the acquired contents 40%.

Main bibliography

Recenseamento Agrícola - Análise dos principais resultados – 2019, Instituto Nacional de Estatística. Edição de 2021.

Future of food: How technology and global trends are transforming the food industry - 2019 Deloitte.

Top 5 European food trends in 2022 – EIT FOOD

Os 10 princípios da Dieta Mediterrânica em Portugal – DGS, Programa Nacional para a Promoção da Alimentação Saudável

Produtos Tradicionais Portugueses volumes I / II/ III, DGDR - Direção Geral Desenvolvimento Rural, 2001.

GUIA DE ROTULAGEM, Denominação de origem protegida (DOP), Indicação geográfica protegida (IGP), Especialidade tradicional garantida (ETG), DGADR, 2018.

Natividade, M. Vieira (1960), Mosteiro e Coutos de Alcobaça, Alcobaça.

Martinelli Júnior, Orlando (1999), A Globalização e a Indústria Alimentar: um Estudo a partir das grandes empresas. Editora Oficina Universitária.

Budel, L., Faria, Sheila de O. (2021), Cenários de inovação no mercado da gastronomia e nutrição. Editora Senac, São Paulo.