/ Education / Lifelong learning programmes / Património Alimentar & Desenvolvimento do Território

Food and Gastronomic representations: Imagetics, History, Literary Culture and Religiosity

Classes: 18.09.2023 - 21.10.2023

Scientific Domain: Humanities


Paula Barata Dias • University of Coimbra, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, CECH


Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho • CHSC Researcher, University of Coimbra
José Augusto Cardoso Bernardes • University of Coimbra, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, CLP
Irene Vaquinhas • University of Coimbra, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, CHSC
Albano Figueiredo • University of Coimbra, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, CIEC
Ana Maria Bandeira • University of Coimbra, Archive
João Pedro Gomes • CECH Researcher, University of Coimbra
Cinthia Marques • CECH Researcher, University of Coimbra

Type of teaching: b-learning

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Objectives of the curricular unit and skills to be developed by the student

Identify commodities, products, processes of food and gastronomic heritage present in the Portuguese cultural events.

Locate the goods, products and processes of food and gastronomy present in the cultural events in their historical, social, economic and cultural context.

Categorize the dominant food and gastronomic typologies in the national space based on their characteristics, their diffusion and impact as representations.

Relate the food and gastronomic culture with cultural expressions (images, literature, art, religiosity).

Understand concepts such as seasonality, circular character, timing, dependent on the relationship with the territory, climate and environment.

Apply in a professional context, information validated by the knowledge of cultural representations of food and gastronomy.

Diversify strategies for enhancing gastronomy from the knowledge of its presence in the tangible and intangible cultural heritage.


1. Epistemological framework
1.1 The representations and the reality of Portuguese food and gastronomy through sources (written, oral, iconographic and material)
1.2 Case studies: archives, libraries, archaeological sites, museums, material heritage, natural and built landscapes, national monuments

2. Food and Gastronomy in History
2.1 Middle Ages
2.2 Modern Period
2.3 Contemporary Period

3. Food and Gastronomy in Religious Festivals
3.1. The feast and the rituals of eating.
3.2 The food-symbols of the sacred

4. Food and Gastronomy in Literary Culture
4.1 Portuguese Literature
4.2 Popular Literary Culture

5. Presence of food in the imagetic culture in Portugal

Teaching methodologies and evaluation


Theoretical-practical method

Expositive sessions, followed by questioning and dialogue with students

Asset to the practical experience of trainees in the field

Integration of the student’s experiences contributions in the theoretical contents and subsequent reformulation.

Synthesis framework and information sharing

Exemplification using written and imagetic documents.

Viewing of performative videos related to festivities

Study Tour - observation and contact with heritage places and events relevant to food culture.


Mini-tests 30%

Study visit report 30%

Project to apply the acquired contents 40%.

Main bibliography

Almeida A., Belo D. Portugal Património, Círculo de Leitores, 10 vols.

Barros J. Costa, S. Festas e Tradições Portuguesas, Círculo dos Leitores, 8 vols.

Coelho, Mª "A festa – A convivialidade". In História da Vida Privada em Portugal, 144-169. Lisboa, Portugal: Círculo de Leitores, 2010.

Dias, P. B., A Gastronomia do Carnaval. A festa e o excesso do presente", Nona Arte- Revista da Confederação das Confrarias da Gastronomia Portuguesa, 30, 2014, 6 pp.

Dias, P. B., Quando o doce é corpo: antropomorfismo e antroponímia na doçaria tradicional portuguesa”, in Cilene Ribeiro, Carmen Soares (coord.) Mesas luso-brasileiras: alimentação, saúde & cultura. vol. I. Coimbra: IUC, 2018, 275-299.

Vaquinhas, I. “Os arrozais do Baixo Mondego entre o passado e o futuro: da memória à salvaguarda do património”, in Canteiros de Arroz: a orizicultura entre o passado e o futuro, Montemor-o-Velho, Câmara Municipal de Montemor-o-Velho, Março de 2005, 5-48; 65-72.