
Internal Regulations

Guidelines for Donations

The General Library of the University of Coimbra, beneficiary of Legal Deposit since 1932, has always worked to enrich its collections, whether by purchase, exchange or through donations from collective or private entities.

However, given the space limitations of our library, and in order to rationalize storage space for future documentation, it is necessary to inform potential donors of criteria and procedures that should be taken into account.

Please check whether works selected for donation already exist in the General Library of the University of Coimbra by exploring the following Catalogues:

  1. For works with a publication date prior to 1957, search the digitized Manuscript Catalogue in the following address:;
  2. For works published after 1957, search the BGUC online Catalogue:;

The existence of a given item does not necessarily imply the rejection of donations, as BGUC is receptive to accepting manuscript works, rare books (Portuguese or foreign) or periodical publications, subject to evaluation by our experts.

To contact BGUC on this matter, please use the address:, listing the work(s) with the following elements: Title, Author, place of publication, date and number of edition.