/ Non-Degree Courses / Faculty of Pharmacy

Applications Calendar

Schedule concerning all the actions of application to the Non-Degree Courses (CNCG) including the dates for publication of the number of places and the dates for enrolment and registration.



Publication of number of places (minimum per phase) until 15th June
Applications deadline From 3rd June to 15th July
Validation of Applications From 16th to 22nd July
Seriation of applications and award of credits From 23rd to 29th July
Publication of the provisional sorted lists of applicants by the assessors * 30th July
Pre-hearing period From 31st July to 13th August
Publication of the final sorted lists of applicants by the Deans’ Offices of the Organisational Units ** 2nd September
Enrolment/ Registration*** From 3rd to 10th September

*The date presented here is the scheduled date to publish the results. However, this date may be changed. Applicants with a validated application receive an automatic notification of the results on the day the provisional sorted list of applicants is published.

**The publication of the final sorted list of applicants depends on the publication of the provisional list, since the former can only be published 10 working days after the latter. When the number of applications is less than the number of places available, and there are no conditioned applications, an early final sorted list of applicants will be made available in place of the provisional list.

***This date of enrolment and registration is only indicative. After the final sorted list of applicants is published, the admitted applicants receive a notification of the deadline to enrol and register for the course.