/ 2024/2025 Master's degree courses / Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Readmission to Master's Degree Course

An application by means of Readmission enables the students, who after interrupting their higher education studies in a course (cycle of studies), to enrol and register for the course they interrupted or for another course that may have replaced it, if it is the case.

Students may request Readmission to a Bachelor or Integrated Master’s Degree Course at the University of Coimbra if:

  • They have already been enrolled and registered for that course at the University of Coimbra;
  • They have not been registered for that course in the academic year preceding the one in which they want to re-enter.
The University of Coimbra provides an applications calendar that enables students who interrupted their studies to apply for readmission to the course.
Master’s degree in Food - Sources, Culture and Society 
Master´s degree in Archaeology and Territory 
Masters in Information Sciences

Master’s degree in Teaching Philosophy (10-12)

Master’s degree in Teaching Geography (7-12)

Master’s degree in Teaching History (7-12)

Master’s degree in Teaching English and another Foreign Language (7-12)

Master’s degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (7-12)

Master’s degree in Teaching Portuguese and a Foreign Language (7-12)

Master’s degree in Teaching Portuguese (7-12)

Master’s degree inTeaching Portuguese (7-12) and Latin (10-12)

Master in Creative Writing
Master’s degree in Art Studies
Master's Degree in Classical Studies
Master’s degree in Modern Culture, Literature, and Languages 
Master in European Studies
Master’s degree in Philosophy 
Master’s degree in Physical Geography - Environment and Spatial Planning 
Master’s degree in Human Geography, Planning and Healthy Territories 
Master’s degree in History 
Master’s degree in Journalism and Communication 
Master’s Degree in Portuguese Language Literature
Master’s degree in Cultural Heritage and Museology 
Masters in Portuguese as a Foreign Language and Second Language
Master's in Translation
Master's Degree Tourism, Territory and Heritage