Before applying to the course you want, you must check if you meet the requirements mentioned in the Opening Notice, by selecting the corresponding cycle of studies:

The approval of the number of places depends on the dispatch that regulates the establishment of the number of places, which will be published by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES) and, consequently, may undergo some changes.

BACHELOR'S DEGREES | 1st CYCLE OF STUDIES No. of Places - 1st Phase
1st Curricular Year Other Curricular Years
Bachelor's Degree in Sport Sciences 2 0

ECTS Distribution

The places are distributed in two contingents: the 1st curricular year and the remaining years. The division of the contingents is done according to the number of ECTS credits awarded. The applicant awarded with 35 ECTS credits will be considered as a 1st curricular year student, but if the applicant is awarded with 36 or more ECTS credits, then he/she will be considered a remaining years student. The seriation list is ordered according to this distribution.