/ Projects

International projects

Improving the stability of biomolecules using ionic liquids

Country: Australia
Funding body: Australian Research Council
Total Funding: 268 495€
Investigator in CERES: Jorge Pereira
Start: 2023
End: 2025

Processo biotecnológico visando o desenvolvimento de colorantes naturais microbianos para aplicação industrial


Country: Brazil
Funding body: FAPESP
Investigator in CERES: Jorge Pereira
Start: 2022
End: 2027

ANIMATE | Advanced Numerical Modelling and Experimental Research on Turbulent and Transitional Flows with Applications to Chemical, Power, Automotive and Aeroengine Industries

Country: Poland
Funding body: NAWA
Total Funding: 398 730€
Investigator in CERES: Graça Rasteiro
Start: 2019
End: 2022

RESALVALOR | Valorización De Residuos de la Industria Agroalimentaria


Country: Argentina
Funding body: CYTED
Investigator in CERES: Paulo Ferreira
Start: 2019
End: 2022

Optimization of sugarcane juice treatment by decantation and flocculation of non-sugars through the particle technology tools


Country: Brazil
Funding body: FAPESP
Total Funding: 2 000€
Funding UC: 2 000€
Funding CERES: 2 000€
Investigator in CERES: Graça Rasteiro
Start: 2019
End: 2021

Desenvolvimento de Formulações a Partir de Fitoquímicos para Controle de Pragas Agrícolas


Country: Brazil
Funding body: FAPESP
Total Funding: 14 100€
Funding UC: 14 100€
Funding CERES: 14 100€
Investigator in CERES: Mara Braga
Start: 2018
End: 2021

NANOCELIA | Transferencia tecnológica sobre aplicaciones de nanocelulosa en Iberoamérica

CYTED/ 316RT0095

Country: Argentina
Funding body: CYTED
Total Funding: 7 000€
Funding UC: 7 000€
Funding CERES: 7 000€
Investigator in CERES: Paulo Ferreira
Start: 2017
End: 2021


Evaluación de condrogénesis en soportes de colágeno II y de cartílago hialino descelularizado sembrados

Colciencias Ref. 110156935078

Country: Colombia
Funding body: Colciencias
Total Funding: 15 000€
Funding UC: 15 000€
Funding CERES: 15 000€
Investigator in CERES: Hermínio Sousa
Start: 2014
End: 2018