/ Projects

International Projects

3DNERVEGEN - Dextran-PCL-based nerve guidance conduits 3D printed for nerve regeneration. Ref. CI22-00190 (01/09/2022-30/08/2024).

GreenTribos - European joint doctorate programme on Green Tribology for Sustainable Engineering. Ref. Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 860246 (01/01/2020-31/12/2023).

LubEnergy - Desenvolvimento de Interfaces Lubrificantes para Aumentar a Eficiência Energética. Ref. UTAP-EXPL/NPN/0046/2021 (21/02/2022-20/02/2023).

OLIGOFIT - Oligomer-Focused Screening and Individualized Therapeutics to target Neurodegenerative Disorders. Ref. JPCOFUND2/0001/2019 (01/04/2020-31/03/2024).*

Penelope - Closed-loop digital pipeline for a flexible and modular manufacturing of large components. Ref. H2020-958303 (01/10/2020-30/09/2024).

POWERSKINPLUS - Integração modular avançada de sistemas de isolamento térmico e de produção e armazenamento de energias renováveis em fachadas de edifícios não residenciais. Ref. H2020- 869898 (01/09/2019-30/09/2023).

R3GROUP - Resilient Rapid ReconfiGurable pROdUction Process chains. H2020-101091869 (01/01/2023-31/12/2026).

REVIVING - Revisiting mine tailings to innovate metals biorecovery. Ref. ERA-MIN/0007/2019 (01/11/2020-31/12/2023).

SIRAM - Sustainable innovations for Regenerative Agriculture in the Mediterranean área. Ref. PRIMA/0003/2021 (01/06/2022-31/05/2025).

TRIBOS+ - Joint European Master of Tribology of Surfaces and Interfaces. Ref. 599264-EPP-1-2018-1-SI-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB (01/09/2018-31/08/2024).