What is Researched at the UC? | CEMMPRE and ISISE

The fifth exhibition of this initiative takes place between September 16 and 29, in CoimbraShopping, and features the Centre for Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Processes (CEMMPRE) and the Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Engineering Structures (ISISE), which present their most outstanding current projects, highlighting the impact on society.

16 setembro, 2022≈ 2 min read

"What is researched at the UC?" is a cycle of exhibitions that aims to show the work that is done in the various R&D Units of the University of Coimbra. To get to know CEMMPRE just visit Floor 1 of the CoimbraShopping Centre, between 9am and 11pm, until 29 September.

This exhibition is an opportunity to show to society the various areas of activity of CEMMPRE. According to the Coordinator of CEMMPRE, Albano Cavaleiro “In this exhibition we try to show that the research activities developed by our interdisciplinary team are in line with the main objective of CEMMPRE in giving a solid contribution to society, mainly at the level of the green deal and the digital transition”.