Speed Dating with Microorganisms: A Scientific Journey in Coimbra

14 setembro, 2023≈ 3 min read

To mark the 7th edition of the International Microorganism Day, celebrated on 17 September 2023, microbiologists from the University of Coimbra are organising the event "Speed Dating with Microorganisms” on 15, 16 and 17 September. This event will take place at the Exploratório de Coimbra alongside the Brew! Coimbra (Craft Beer Festival). This is a joint organisation between the Faculty of Science and Technology, the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra, with the participation of the Vasco da Gama University School and the Exploratório Centro Ciência Viva de Coimbra.

On 17 September 1683, Anton van Leeuwenhoek sent a letter to the Royal Society of London in which he reported the first observation of a microorganism. Since that day, we have known about the ubiquity and abundance of microorganisms in humans and everything around us. Today, we are certain that these tiny organisms are indispensable tools for solving the main challenges faced by society.

At this event, you'll have the chance to enjoy a speed dating session with microbiologists from Coimbra, where you can observe microorganisms under a microscope and on a Petri dish, play educational games, engage in discussions about the latest scientific and technological advances in microbiology, and much more.

You're also invited to follow the live stream on the YouTube channel of the Portuguese Society of Microbiology (https://www.youtube.com/live/DYVQWBHdrXk?feature=shared), which connects to local events held in Portugal by the different institutions. In parallel, you can also explore the online exhibition “Pet Microorganisms” (https://exploratorio.wixsite.com/microrganismos). This digital exhibition features photographs of microorganisms on Petri dishes and testimonies from researchers.

Don't miss this opportunity to discover the world of microorganisms in Coimbra, where science meets fun!

Coordination and organization:

Paula V. Morais & Grupo MicroEnvTec, Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra

Paulo Trincão & Exploratório Centro Ciência Viva de Coimbra.