CEMMPRE is part of more than 10 collaborative projects “Agendas Mobilizadoras para a Inovação Empresarial”

CEMMPRE integrates more than 10 Agendas, in several areas, for example automotive, bicycles, moulds, pharmaceuticals, microelectronics, plastics, production technologies, thermotechnology and ports. Based on their know-how, the members of CEMMPRE will add to these consortia knowledge in diversified areas such as: development, characterisation and processing of polymers, surface engineering, industrial engineering and management, additive manufacturing and microbiology.

26 setembro, 2022≈ 3 min read

Framed within the Recovery and Resilience Plan, the projects “Agendas Mobilizadoras para a Inovação Empresarial” were described by Prime Minister António Costa as "a true trampoline for the transformation of the Portuguese economy".

CEMMPRE integrates more than 10 Agendas, in several areas, for example automotive, bicycles, moulds, pharmaceuticals, microelectronics, plastics, production technologies, thermotechnology and ports. Based on their know-how, the members of CEMMPRE will add to these consortia knowledge in diversified areas such as: development, characterisation and processing of polymers, surface engineering, industrial engineering and management, additive manufacturing and microbiology.

The Agendas that integrate CEMMPRE members are:

  • AM2R - Mobilizing Agenda for business innovation in the Two-Wheel sector (leader: Polisport Plásticos S.A.)
  • CiNTech - Technological Pole for Innovation, Translation and Industrialization of Complex Injectable Medicines (leader: Bluepharma - Indústria Farmacêutica, S.A.)
  • Drivolution - Transition to the factory of the future (leader: Volkswagen Autoeuropa Lda.)
  • GreenAuto - Green innovation for the Automotive Industry (leader: Peugeot Citroën Automóveis Portugal, S.A.)
  • ILLIANCE (leader: BOSCH Termotecnologia S.A.)
  • INOV.AM – Innovation in Additive Manufacturing (leader: EROFIO - Engenharia e Fabricação de Moldes S.A.)
  • inovHABITAT (leader: TMAD - Soluções em Madeira e Derivados, LDA)
  • Microelectronic Agenda (leader: ATEP – AMKOR TECHNOLOGY PORTUGAL, S.A.)
  • NEXUS - Innovation Pact – Green and Digital Transition for Transport, Logistics and Mobility (leader: Administração dos Portos de Sines e do Algarve, S.A. (APS))
  • PACKAGING OF THE FUTURE | + Ecological + Digital + INCLUSIVE (leader: Vangest - Engenharia Financeira e Gestão, S.A.)
  • PRODUTECH R3 - Mobilising Agenda of the Production Technologies Sector for Reindustrialisation (leader: COLEP Packaging Portugal, S.A.)
  • Sustainable Plastics - Sustainable Plastics Mobilising Agenda (leader: Logoplaste Innovation Lab Lda).