18 de janeiro | 16h | Online

Os Online Winter Seminars – Discussing Long-Term Analysis, organizados pelo CEIS20, regressa em 2024 com uma sessão sobre "Food transitions, a historical discussion", que terá lugar no dia 18 de janeiro às 16h (GMT – Lisboa)

Contará com as participações de Rui Gomes Coelho (Universidade de Durham, Reino Unido), com uma comunicação intitulada “Ecologies of Freedom: a proposal to think about today's world in relation to environmental and social changes triggered by slavery” e de Bruno Esperante (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Espanha), com uma comunicação “Inside food regimes: technological change and sustainability in Galician agriculture (1950-2016)”.

A inscrição é gratuita.

Para mais informações, contacte-nos através do e-mail winterseminarsceis20@gmail.com.

Dulce Freire, Leonardo Aboim Pires, Mariana Rodrigues – CEIS20
Grupo 8 – Paisagens em Mudança – Laboratório da Longa Duração

Rui Gomes Coelho – Durham University, United Kingdom
Rui Gomes Coelho is an archaeologist interested in Historical Archaeology, and the intersections of materiality, visual culture, and politics. Research interests include the archaeology of slavery and forced labor, archaeology of colonialism and decolonization, archaeology of forced migration, archaeology of the contemporary past, archaeology of conflict, community-based archaeologies, social history of archaeology and photography theory.

Bruno Esperante – University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Bruno Esperante is an economic historian, analysing the 20th century. His lines of research focus on the examination of innovation and technological change in agriculture from a socio-institutional and environmental perspectives. The results of his research have been published in scientific journals, such as Rural History, Historia Agraria or Revista de Historia Industrial.