12 de janeiro | 10h - 12h30 | Online

O regresso dos Online Winter Seminars – Discussing Long-Term Analysis, organizados pelo CEIS20, será com uma sessão subjugada ao tema "The value of land: crops, water and growth".

Contará com as participações de Anna Willi (Universidade de Nottingham, Reino Unido), com uma comunicação intitulada "Channels and Poets: Irrigation in Roman Western Europe in the Light of Classical Evidence", e de Leonor Peña-Chocarro (CSIC – Instituto de História, Madrid, Espanha) que abordará "Medieval appetites: food plants in multicultural Iberia (500-1100 CE), an ERC project".

Inscreva-se aqui.

Alberto González Remuiñán, João Tereso e Sofia Lacerda – CEIS20
Grupo Paisagens em Mudança – Laboratório da Longa Duração

Anna Willi University of Nottingham | UK

Channels and Poets: Irrigation in Roman Western Europe in the Light of Classical Evidence

Anna studied Latin, Ancient History and Classical Archaeology in Zürich (Switzerland) and completed her PhD at the same university under the supervision of Prof. Anne Kolb, on the topic of irrigation in the west of     the Roman empire. Currently, Anna is a post doc and ERC research Fellow at the University of Nottingham (UK), where she researches Latin literacy in the German provinces as part of the LatinNow project. She has published on topics of Roman water history, epigraphy and everyday writing, always driven by an interdisciplinary approach that combines written and material evidence. Her book "Irrigation in Roman Western Europe", a revised version of ther PhD thesis, was published in 2021.

Leonor Peña-Chocarro – CSIC | Institute of History | Madrid, Spain

Medieval appetites: food plants in multicultural Iberia (500-1100 CE), an ERC project

Leonor Peña-Chocarro is an archaeologist and a archaeobotanist at the CSIC Institute of History. Her research focuses on archaeological remains of crops as testimonies of past agriculture and she has studied multiple sites throughout the Mediterranean, from different time-periods, from Pre-history to Medieval times. After a first ERC on the origins of agriculture in the Western Mediterranean (Agriwestmed) she is now starting a new ERC project called Medapp. Its main objective is the study of plant resources in medieval times in the Iberian Peninsula, exploring the diversity of plant species used by Christian, Islamic and Jewish communities and their management, as well as to document the arrival and origin of new species and varieties.
