19 de setembro a 5 de dezembro de 2019, FLUC

A Faculdade de Letras e a o Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX vão realizar entre 19 de setembro a 5 de dezembro Elements of Jounalism in the New Information Universe – Fall School, com o jornalista e professor convidado dos Estados Unidos, Walther Dean.

Elements of Journalism é um programa que se desenvolverá em 8 sessões de três horas em sala de aula, baseado num programa de formação profissional inspirado em experiências de mais de 10 mil jornalistas e 200 organizações noticiosas de todo o mundo.


As sessões decorrerão no Colégio de São Jerónimo, da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, na Sala Multimédia, em horário pós-laboral (das 17:00 às 20:00).

Datas previstas de realização das sessões:

- 19 de setembro

- 26 de setembro

- 10 de outubro

- 24 de outubro

- 07 de novembro

- 21 de novembro

- 28 de novembro

- 05 de dezembro


1) Estudantes de jornalismo e comunicação do ensino superior

2) Profissionais do jornalismo


O Fall School Elements of Jounalism in the New Information Universe será limitado a um número de 20 inscrições.

- Estudantes da Universidade de Coimbra: 50€

- Estudantes de outras instituições de ensino superior: 70€

- Profissionais: 100€

Como fazer a inscrição:

1) Ficha de inscrição

Critérios de seleção:

Os candidatos serão selecionados a partir dos seguintes elementos:

1) Frequência de cursos de mestrado e de doutoramento

2) Fluência em inglês determinada a partir da avaliação de uma carta de motivação, até 2500 carateres, com espaços incluídos

3) Currículo profissional no jornalismo

Período de Inscrição

- De 29 de julho a 7 de setembro.

Divulgação dos resultados

- 10 de setembro

Data limite de pagamento das inscrições

- 13 de setembro

Dados para pagamento

Entidade bancária: Caixa Geral de Depósitos
Titular: Universidade de Coimbra
Conta: 0255210844630
NIB: 0035 0255 00210844630 90
IBAN: PT50 0035 0255 00210844630 90

The Elements of Journalism in the New Information Universe

@Walter C. Dean, 2019

The Elements of Journalism course is based on a highly acclaimed mid-career training program that draws from the experiences of more than 10-thousand journalists at more than 200 news organizations around the world.

It identifies the factors that produce journalism’s special value and that separate it from everything else in the news and information universe. Students will examine what journalists do, how they do it, and why it’s important. They will become more conscious decision-makers and more effective journalists.

Students will examine sources of news and information to consider what is and is not “journalism;” identify the characteristics of stories that successfully engage the audience; learn techniques to find and present content that people really care about; dissect government, political and social issue coverage to discover why some stories have impact and others don’t; analyze issues involving verification, bias and ethics; explore the special role of investigative journalism and how to approach all reporting as a watchdog; and consider the role of journalism and the demands on journalists during times of national crisis or war.

The course is not ethics or skills training but includes both to help students connect classroom theory with everyday work. It relies heavily on Socratic method, case studies, small group exercises and large group discussions. It is an interactive seminar, not a book or lecture course, so students should attend the class and participate in the discussion.

The course is based on the universal principles identified in The Elements of Journalism, now in 38 languages; We Interrupt this Newscast, the most extensive study of broadcast news content ever; and the experiences of the several thousand working journalists who have participated in the Elements seminars.

Curriculum overview - Eight 3-hour classes:

Class 1 – What is journalism, what makes it special, and how should it be assessed?

What is the purpose of journalism, who does it serve, and what are the characteristics and practices that makes it unique? More than ever, journalism is judged by audience numbers, ratings and on-line analytics. But what’s being counted? Too often, the data reveals what but not why. Students will be introduced to the concept of content analysis, a “scientific” method of examining stories and their various parts, the structures and elements of content that are the foundation of the journalistic process and what ultimately determine the value and popularity of the journalist’s work. Content analysis is key to better understanding and using analytics to inform content and grow audience.

Class 2 – An Element of Journalism: Verification

Verification is the methodology journalists use to find facts and make judgments about what they see and hear and eventually choose to pass on to their audiences. The “discipline of verification” is, in fact, a specific process with identifiable components. Moreover, it is what separates journalism from all other content in the information universe?

Class 3 – An Element of Journalism: Proportionality

Should the journalist give the public what it wants or what it needs? Or is this a false dichotomy? A newscast stacking exercise will reveal what students think the audience wants and these line-ups will be compared to stories audiences actually watched from the largest study of broadcast news content ever.

Class 4 – An Element of Journalism: Engagement and Relevance

Using research or web analytics to monitor stories the audience is consuming or to ask: “What do you want to hear about?” is a marketing technique. Rather than use a marketing question, what if we used a journalistic approach? And what might that entail?

What are the characteristics of a good story? There are certain approaches and techniques a journalist can use to find and capture these elements and make important news engaging.

Class 5 – Engaging the On-line and Social Media Audience

We now have a better idea of how the audience is consuming news and information on line. Working with member newsrooms, for example, the American Press Institute has analyzed tens of thousands of web site news stories to discover what works on line. The similarities between what works on line and on other platforms is surprisingly similar. Enterprise, effort, and the importance of good story telling are indisputable. How might the journalist apply these broad lessons to different subject areas?

Class 6 – An Element of Journalism: Watchdog and Investigative Reporting

Investigative journalism is as old as journalism itself. But is it different than other

kinds of reporting because there are some things that make investigative journalism special. At a time of war or national crisis, what should be the role of the watchdog or investigative journalist? Should he be more a patriot or more a journalist? And what role does journalistic independence and the reporter’s individual conscience play?

Class 7 – An Element of Journalism: Covering Politics and Understanding Bias

What is the role of the journalist in the political process and who, in a democracy, should the journalist ultimately serve? Is the audience more a spectator or more a decision-maker? Should this affect the kind of information a journalist provides? What is journalistic bias, how does it influence reporting, and should anything be done about it? Can bias ever be appropriate or should the journalist try to find bias and then stamp it out?

Class 8 – An Element of Journalism – The Journalist in the New Media Age

What does journalism’s changing landscape mean to the journalist and the news organization? What skills, attributes, and experiences will the journalist of the future need? How might the work be different from what journalists have done in the past? What should not change? We’ll examine whether the journalism we know can work in other places by looking at a news organization funded by the international aid community in Gaza during the 2014 war with Israel and the subsequent humanitarian emergency that affected its nearly 2-million residents.