/ Parcerias / DIAITA - Património Alimentar da Lusofonia / Call for Papers

The Sophie Coe Prize in Food History 2022

Submissions closing date: Friday 22nd April 2022

The Sophie Coe Prize is awarded each year to an engaging, original piece of writing that delivers new research and/or new insights into any aspect of food history relating to any period, place, people or culture. We welcome innovative, well written entries of up to 10,000 words in length in the English language only. The Prize is £1,500 for
the winning essay, article or book chapter. Authors may submit one entry only each, and they must be delivered to us by this year’s closing date of Friday 22nd April 2022.

The Prize was founded in 1995 in memory of Sophie D. Coe, the eminent anthropologist, author and food historian. The winner is selected by our anonymous panel of distinguished judges and announced in early July at the Oxford Symposium on Food & Cookery.

Published and unpublished work may be submitted. If the former, it must have been published within 12 months of the submission deadline. If the latter, it must be in final, fully edited and corrected form.

Before submitting an entry please read in full the “How to Enter” page at our website (www.sophiecoeprize.wordpress.com/how-to-enter/).

Entries that do not comply fully with our conditions of entry will not be put forward to our judges. We also strongly advise entrants to read some of the former winning entries to gain an understanding of the kind of original research and quality of writing we are seeking.

For full details, and to sign up for reminders and updates on the Prize, please consult our website at www.sophiecoeprize.wordpress.com.
Any queries not answered by the information on our website should be addressed to the Chair, Dr. Jane Levi, at email address sophiecoeprize@gmail.com.