San Francisco, California, 19-22 November 2015 | até 30 de Março de 2015

The Early Science Forum plans to sponsor a panel at the 2015 meeting of the History of Science Society entitled “The Materiality of Early Science.”

Rather than focusing on the content of scientific theories in and of themselves, this session aims to shift our gaze to the physical artefacts that carry, communicate, and instantiate scientific practices. Inscribed materials ranging from papyri, manuscripts, printed books, monuments, instruments, and physical spaces enabled the construction and dissemination of scientific knowledge. We welcome submissions of abstracts for papers exploring the material substrates of early science from antiquity through the 17th century. Please submit a short abstract (up to 250 words) to Jacqueline Feke ( or Courtney Roby ( by March 30, 2015.

Meeting Site for further info: