/ Parcerias / DIAITA - Património Alimentar da Lusofonia / Call for Papers

Balancing Food Heritage, Healthy Diets and Planetary Resources

UTAD - Vila Real | 14, 15 e 16 de novembro 2022

Open Call

The European Research Group SYAL and the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) invite you to propose papers for the 9th World Conference on Localized Agri-Food Systems (SYAL). The conference will be organized by the Centre for Transdisciplinary Development Studies (CETRAD) of the University of Trás-os-Montes and alto Douro and held in Vila Real, Portugal, on the 14th, 15th and 16th of November 2022.

The news challenges faced by the global food production system, with the need to protect the environment and promote sustainable development, are an opportunity for alternative and localized agri-food systems. The potential contribution of localized agri-food systems to rural development by activating local resources, promoting economic development, social cohesion and counter-acting the demographic impact of agricultural modernization, has also increased their political relevance. Research has addressed various aspects of the relationship between SYAL and food quality such as geographical indications, as well as territorial, organizational and cultural issues, but there are still many unanswered questions and theoretical gaps to fill. We welcome all topics related to localized agri-food systems, including production approaches, consumers’ behavior, food heritage strategies, alternative and sustainable food systems, food innovation, the role of institutions and local organizations, markets, gastronomy, health and nutrition challenges, and the relationship with territorial development.

Short papers: 3 pages maximum, with the following model: Title, Name of authors, Keywords; Introduction; Theoretical frame and organising concepts; Results; Conclusions; References.

Abstracts and papers should be submitted in English, in the website created for this congress and available in the link: ixconferencesyal.utad.pt

In this website we will put more information about the rules and templates that must be used for submitting the abstract and paper.

Key dates & Deadlines

- Submission of Abstract - 30 April
- Notification of acceptance - 30 May
- Submission of final version - 15 September
- Open for registration - 1 June
- Final data for registration - 30 September


Papers must address one of the following topics:

Topic 1.

Food production and consumption: trends, public policies and social movements;

Topic 2.

Territorial governance, actors networking and food heritage strategies;

Topic 3.

Environment, agro-ecology, and the challenge of sustainable food systems;

Topic 4.

Innovation, markets changes and gastronomy facing health and nutrition challenges.

Registration Fees

Before 30th Aug

Regular: 200 euros

Students: 50 euros

Before 15th Oct

Regular: 250 euros

Students: 50 euros


Centre for Transdisciplinary Development Studies (CETRAD) of the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD)
Edifício da ECHS - Polo II
5000-801 Vila Real, Portugal

Telf: 259 350 168
e-mail: ixconferencesyal@utad.pt
website: ixconferencesyal.utad.pt